National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP) Training: Current Program & Future Developments

Stuart Stein, PE, D. WRE, GKY & Associates, Inc.

Education Track: Stormwater Management

Over the last decade, stormwater management practices shifted away from traditional gray infrastructure and towards utilization of green infrastructure. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) created the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP) to fill a recognized need to increase contractor knowledge regarding the construction, inspection and maintenance of green infrastructure practices. The goal of the NGICP is to create and promote skilled individuals to install, inspect and maintain green infrastructure practices. As of the end of 2018, almost 400 people across 18 states, D.C. and Canada had obtained the NGICP certification. As a licensed trainer, GKY works closely with WEF in delivery of the required pre-certification exam NGICP training course. The training course includes a variety of training methods to effectively prepare participants for taking the certification exam. The 35-hour training course incorporates hands-on activities and field visits throughout delivery of the standardized lecture modules.

GKY is currently working with WEF to expand the mechanism of training delivery in order to provide alternative ways for those working in the stormwater construction, maintenance and inspection industry to gain the national certification. New projects include development of a hybrid course, which blends online learning with in-person interactive activities, and a NGICP Instructor Manual in order to ensure consistent NGICP training is delivered anywhere in the U.S. or Canada. This presentation will cover the NGICP training as it is currently being implemented as well as future developments to expand the reach of the NGICP.

Presented by Stuart Stein, PE, D. WRE, GKY & Associates, Inc.