Tuesday's Presentation: MAAPnext – A next step to Evolving Floodplain Mapping

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Presented by Ataul Hannan, Planning Division Director for the Harris County Flood Control District

Using new methodologies and technologies, FEMA and the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) will provide a more complete understanding of flood risks throughout Harris County.  The project targets updates for 2500+ miles in 22 watersheds across Harris County, Texas using an approach that:

  • Uses an unsteady 1D-2D coupled model
  • Produces regulatory floodways with an updated approach looking at depth and velocity
  • Assesses overland flow and non-riverine flood areas

The resultant new hydrologic and hydraulic models, floodplain mapping, and other flood risk products will be delivered to FEMA, local communities and the public at large, producing highly technical and credible information through relatively cost effective approaches.

The multi-year assessment will include new rainfall frequency data, updated terrain data, and improved hydrologic and hydraulic modeling technology and methods.  The project will improve the understanding of the risk of flooding in Harris County so that the public, local communities and emergency managers can make informed decisions to protect life and property during flood events. HCFCD expects many changes to be reflected in the resulting flood risk maps that will impact how future projects, new development, and their associated mitigation strategies are implemented. This presentation will focus on the evolution of floodplain assessment and FEMA mapping approaches to produce the most up to date information for community use.

Ataul Hannan is working as Planning Division Director for the Harris County Flood Control District. The Planning Division devises the plans that guide the District CIP and identifies the projects that the District designs and constructs. In addition to identifying projects, the Planning Division also provides critical support for new projects and other District responsibilities by managing right-a-way acquisition, Buyout Program, environmental regulatory support, storm water quality, and coordination with FEMA. HCFCD’s Model and Map Management Program was developed under Mr. Hannan’s leadership. Mr. Hannan has over twenty years of experience in watershed management and water resources engineering. Prior to joining the District he provided technical support to FEMA’s NFIP and Disaster Relief Program. He was the lead project engineer for Tropical Storm Allison Recovery Project (Harris County) and North Carolina state wide mapping project. He managed numerous Flood Insurance Studies in many states. Mr. Hannan is the author of more than 75 papers and abstracts on variety of topics. Mr. Hannan has extensive experience in modeling as well as advanced 1D/2D software. He is registered as a Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and Virginia. He is also a Certified Flood Plain Manager.

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