Low Impact Development Lessons Learned

David Batts, LEED AP

This course will discuss Low Impact Development through the lens of projects throughout the state of Texas. The presentation will include lessons learned in design, construction and maintenance as well as cover the economics of sustainable site design practices. Specific attention will be paid to protecting these systems during construction phase activities and setting them up for long term success.

Presented by David Batts, LEED AP

David Batts LEED AP, is the co-founder of the Texas Land/Water Sustainability Forum and has been a part of leading the adoption and implementation of Low Impact Development throughout the state of Texas. Through the Forum’s efforts and the success of their Professional Low Impact Development Design Competitions in Houston and North Texas, they have successfully proven that Low Impact Development not only offers an ecologically sustainable solution, but also provides opportunities to decrease infrastructure costs, increase lot yield, and provide an economically viable answer to all types of development. Because of his efforts, developers throughout Texas are using Low Impact Development to differentiate themselves while positively impacting their bottom line. David works for Construction EcoServices, a services and systems provider focused on all aspects of storm water quality and quantity management, where he is in charge of market development for alternative drainage, water harvesting, and Low Impact Development solutions.