SWPPP Design for Commercial Development

Luke Stebbins

This track is focused on the unique challenges in today’s commercial development with special considerations to design, installation, and regulatory requirements. We will take a high level look at best management practices and lessons learned on a variety of commercial project types. Case studies will highlight difficulties with commercial site constraints, larger plans of common development, and managing changes during construction.

Presented by Luke Stebbins

Luke Stebbins, Construction Compliance Manager at Construction EcoServices, received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of North Texas. Before he was the Construction Compliance Manager, he was a Green Infrastructure Specialist focusing on Low Impact Development and innovative storm water technologies to address stormwater quality and quantity. Luke sees storm water as one of our most valuable resources and has a passion for solutions to protect our water in ways that are sustainable economically and functionally. Currently, he spends his time working with contractors, developers, and municipalities throughout Texas to implement best management practices solutions and strategies.