Member-Get-A-Member Program

Starting the Conversation 

As a member, you know all about the value and benefits of membership, and we appreciate your enthusiasm for your industry and your desire to help grow IECA membership!  When discussing membership with a nonmember, keep in mind that it’s most important to focus on their needs and then share how IECA membership can support their professional goals. 

First Steps 

Tell your story. The IECA and your local chapter provide lots of value to you. Why did you join? What’s the reason you’re a member today? 

Ask questions. Focus on their needs. Find out their specific concerns and address them directly with your own experiences. 

Make it easy for them. Have a blank application handy (don’t forget a pen!). Offer to mail a completed application on the new member’s behalf. “Let’s fill this out now and get the ball rolling.” 

Demonstrate respect. If a prospect sounds uncertain, consider saying “It sounds like you aren’t ready to make a commitment today. I want you to feel good about your decision to join, so here’s an application and here’s my card. I’d like to follow up with you in a week to see if you have any questions I can answer, okay?” If a prospect offers a flat no, consider saying “I completely understand how you feel, maybe now is not the right time. I hope we can stay in touch.”
Be sure to say thanks. Send them a short message thanking them for considering IECA membership and supporting the stromwater, erosion and sediment control industry. 

Other Tips 

Recruiting a new member is a process, not an event. You may need to approach the topic multiple times from a variety of perspectives. Becoming a member involves making a change, and change can be a gradual process, even when the outcome is beneficial. 

Think conversation rather than sales pitch. Sharing your feelings about membership is sharing good news with a colleague, like a restaurant recommendation.
When discussing membership with a prospect, listen for clues as to what they look for in a professional society. Stress those member benefits that meet their needs.

Recruitment Resource Center:

Do you have a vast network of potential members but aren’t sure how to approach them or what information to provide? See below for a list if recruitment tips.

Starting the Conversation  
Recruiting Members Tips
Recruitment Invite Template
Member Benefits