The Environmental Benefits of PYRAMAT 75® High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat

Presenters: Jared Hill & Drew Loizeaux, P.E

This presentation will highlight the environmental benefits of using PYRAMAT 75® High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat (HPTRM) as a solution for erosion control. The environmental benefits will focus on water quality improvement, carbon footprint reduction, and engineered plastics vs single-use plastics.

Learning Objectives: 
  • Understand the water quality improvement ability of PYRAMAT 75 HPTRM.
  • Understand the difference in carbon footprint reduction from using PYRAMAT 75 HPTRM instead of hard armoring solutions, such as rock riprap and concrete.
  • Understand the difference between engineered plastics and single-use plastics.

Presented by Jared Hill – Engineering Specialist - Erosion Control, Propex Geosynthetics & Drew Loizeaux, P.E. – Company representative, Propex Operating Company, LLC

Jared is a Professional Engineer that specializes in Geotechnical Engineering and works in the Engineering Services department for Propex.