At Your Service - Industry-Available ECB/TRM Design Software

Presenters: David L. Snyder, Craig A. Shultz, Lisa W. Simms, PE, CPESC, Drew Loizeaux, P.E. & Rob Lawson

To help all potential users of design software for specifying erosion control blankets and turf reinforcement mats, representatives from four of the industry's leading manufacturers will each briefly explain their own software and how to use it. A representative with the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) will explain the ECTC's product guidelines.

Learning Objectives: 
  • Understand the design software from each of the four manufacturers.
  • Use the design software from one or more of the industry's manufacturers.
  • Meet industry representatives who can be valuable resources.

David Snyder

Product Theater Speaker: David L. Snyder – Company representative, Hanes Geo Components

    Co-Presenter: Craig A. Shultz – Business Development Manager, American Excelsior Company
    Co-Presenter: Lisa W. Simms, PE, CPESC – Technical Sales Manager, East Coast Erosion Blankets, LLC
    Co-Presenter: Drew Loizeaux, P.E. – Company representative, Propex Operating Company, LLC
    Co-Presenter: Rob Lawson – Company representative, Western Green
    Co-Presenter: Laurie Honnigford – Executive Director, Erosion Control Technology Council