Environmental Connection Magazine

About our Magazine

Environmental Connection magazine is the official publication of the International Erosion Control Association. Access to this magazine is a members only benefit, please LOGIN to access the magazine.

Welcome to the IECA members-only access to IECA's publication, Environmental Connection. Environmental Connection publishes articles written by members and others in the erosion and sediment control and stormwater industries, so rest assured you can trust what you read. Technical articles have been peer reviewed, and every article that has been reviewed is clearly indicated. Our goal is to publish articles that report both the practical applications of research findings and the knowledge gained by experienced professionals. IECA would like to give you the opportunity to showcase your work and share your expertise with your peers. Please consider submitting an article for publication. You can find complete instructions for authors plus submittal instructions here.

We encourage your feedback on the content of this magazine. Please feel free to correspond about articles you read here. Letters to the editor can be sent to education@ieca.org.

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Editorial Office
Attn: Environmental Connection Editor
3033 S Parker Rd, Suite 410
Aurora, CO 80014

IECA Education Director

Joanna Fetherolf

Since 1995, my involvement in IECA activities has been pivotal in shaping my second career after retiring from the USDA-NRCS. The technology sessions, networking opportunities, and friendships I've built have been crucial to my success as an erosion and sediment control planner, inspector, and trainer.

Earl Norton, CPESC, CPAg, CCA Auburn, Alabama, USA